
Responsible for the content on the website is:

IPAI Management GmbH
Stiftsbergstr. 1
74172 Neckarsulm
Sitz: Neckarsulm
Local Court Stuttgart: HRB 782499
USt.-IDNr.: DE349649266

IPAI Management GmbH is represented by its managing directors Prof. Reinhold Geilsdörfer, Moritz Gräter and Hermann-Josef Hoffmann, each with sole power of representation.



Compliance or adherence to rules is more complex today than ever. In the global environment, legal challenges are constantly growing. That is why we are constantly adapting our processes and systems to the legal framework. In order to particularly emphasize the importance of compliance with the law, we have anchored it as a corporate principle: “We comply with applicable law and internal guidelines.” Compliance is therefore an integral part of our corporate culture. We operate a compliance management system that enables you as a customer, business partner or employee of the company to act according to uniform and binding structures.

In order for our corporate principle to be observed, it is important to identify potential misconduct at an early stage. Among other things, we achieve this by reporting to us indications of possible compliance violations.

A compliance violation occurs when our employees or towards our employees in Germany or abroad violate applicable law or internal guidelines in the course of their official work. Such violations include, for example, corruption offenses, competition and cartel offences, data protection violations and offenses in accounting, finance and taxes.

In order to be able to uncover and prevent compliance violations, we depend on our employees as well as on our customers and business partners.

If you notice signs of a compliance violation, you can report them through various bodies.

No matter which way you choose, we assure you that every report will be treated as strictly confidential – anonymously if you wish.

Compliance Officer

If you would like to report indications of compliance violations or have any questions about compliance, please contact our compliance officer.

Schwarz Dienstleistung KG
Stiftsbergstraße 1
74172 Neckarsulm

Online Reporting System

As an additional option for reporting indications of compliance violations, we have set up an online reporting system. All incoming information is processed by the compliance officer.

The online reporting system is an internet-based application and can be accessed from any internet-enabled device via the following link: Online reporting system

Legal Counsel

With lawyer Dr. Margarete von Galen, our external trusted lawyer is at your disposal. You can contact her at any time with information about corporate and employment-related criminal offenses or misdemeanors. Attorney von Galen will carefully review your information and forward it to the compliance officer if there are concrete indications of a compliance violation.

As an external trusted attorney, von Galen is bound to secrecy. She will only pass on your personal data to us with your express consent.

Attorney von Galen can be reached as follows:

Dr. Margarete Gräfin von Galen
Fachanwältin für Strafrecht
Mommsenstraße 45
10629 Berlin
Telefon +49 (0)30 – 3101820
Fax +49 (0)30 – 31018220

We examine all indications of compliance violations carefully and confidentially and punish proven misconduct consistently and appropriately. Please note that non-compliance-related reports will not be processed.