Become part of the community

As the home for trustworthy, applied AI in Europe and the world, we see ourselves as an innovation platform and transformation accelerator for AI activities in research, business and 
public institutions.

We are developing the ecosystem in stages:

Our offers

We work with our partners to design offers in our ecosystem and for our members. With these, we actively accompany our members into the future of AI and on their AI journey, to use the great potential of AI, to design secure and future-oriented solutions together and to actively bring AI into application. You can find out what these options look like here:

Our Community


Du möchtest Partner oder Member werden oder hättest gerne weitere Informationen zu unseren Angeboten und unserem Ökosystem? Dann kontaktiere uns gerne über untenstehendes Formular und wir melden uns bei Dir!

Lena Ertel

Admin & Finance

Natascha Kirschner

Management Office

Isabell Dörr-Nill

Arts & Projects